Thursday, June 11, 2009

dum dum da dum dum dum dum....


Oh my goodness words can't describe how amazing it feels to finally be married to the love of my life! I'll do my best, though, to describe our wedding weekend...which PS was just already 2 weeks ago! Man, how time flies when you're in love! Anyways, get comfy...this could take awhile!

It started on Thursday with my bachelorette party! My girls (Amanda, Coree, Sara, Lindsay and my surprise cousin Lindsay!) threw me an amazing night. They got us all a room at the Silver Cloud down on Ruston Way, so we could walk to the bars (which I'll get to later). We started the night off with a shot and some naughty (but wonderful) presents! We kept drinking and with no food in my tummy, I was feeling pretty good pretty quick. We had dinner at Primo Grill on 6th Ave, where we met my friend Haley from work and had an amazing dinner with some more drinks. Bottom line here is, we drank a lot! We tried to walk from the room to the Ram after dinner, but it was closed. We walked all the way down to Katie Downs and everything was either closed, or already had last call. Lame! Well, we thought it was lame at the drunk time, but in retrospect, it was all for the best! We partied back at the room, had the always (bachelorette) invited noise complaint, before we passed out a little before 1am.

The next day, we woke up bright and early at 7:30am. Why, I don't know. We did however get to enjoy some early morning episodes of Saved By The Bell...starting with the one where Zach and Kelly got married in Vegas! How appropriate! We all got ready and headed to my house before getting some necessary Starbucks and then going to my nail salon for some manis and pedis. After we were all pampered, we went to Best Burgers to see my soon to be husband and get some lunch. We ran into Brian's brothers Brad and Kyle, and their cousin Brent there, which was awesome because I hadn't seen Kyle or Brent since they arrived. After lunch the crew (minus the boys) went to the reception hall for ALL the decorating. It went by so fast! It was all because of our amazing families from both out of town and around here. We had my uncles and aunts from Texas, Colorado, and Ohio helping and we recruited the bridal party and their significant others to help as well. Before we knew it, we were sitting around at all the decorated tables drinking beer! I had some last minute errands to run before rehearsal that night, so I did those, got ready, and somehow made it to the church on time! Rehearsal went really well, if you exclude the tears my parents were already crying! I swear they set me off the entire weekend! Brian's mom and dad put together an amazing rehearsal dinner, including a little picture slideshow, which was phenomenal! My dad made everyone cry with his little toast and the rest of the night was spent taking pictures and laughing (which is just how I wanted it). After getting my last single girl kiss from my amazing man, the girls and I went back to my mom and dad's to put together their Gerber Daisy bouquets. Lindsay stayed the night with me and she fell asleep way before I did! I was packing my wedding night bag, last minute emailing, and watching Friends, all the while being way too excited!

Wedding day! Sara and Coree made a Starbucks run in the morning, which was amazing and I can't thank them enough! My tea really helped calm my stomach and not make me want to throw up! Haley came over and did an amazing job on my hair, and Melanie came and took some wonderful pictures (PS she is an amazing photographer)! Sara got us crying as she saw Haley putting my veil on, and then after a couple pre-ready shots, we were off to Macy's for Jonathan to do my makeup! I felt so bad because we were running sooo late, I was on my Blackberry the whole time and I felt like I was rushing him. Sorry Jonathan! We ended up at the church right at noon, and the guys were just finishing up their pictures. I finally had an appetite (it was the getting their on time that had my nerves in a jumble) so I ate some grapes and cheese before I put on the dress and headed into the church for our "first look" at each other. I couldn't get over how handsome and HOT Brian looked! We took some bridal party and family pictures before I was shooed away and sent back to the nursery to hang out until I walked down the aisle! When it was finally our turn, my dad couldn't look at me and I couldn't look at him. I think my mom said "I'll look at you at the reception"! I kept most of my composure walking down the aisle and I was fine once I was holding onto Brian. He can always calm me down! The ceremony was beautiful and I was so excited to sign that Marriage License!! We went through the receiving line, a couple more family pictures, and then we headed off with the bridal party in a limo to Ruston Way to take some pics by the water.

The reception was amazing. I'm sad I didn't get to talk to everyone, but I think Brian made it around to say hi for both of us. We danced, drank, cried, laughed...pretty much everything! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day or to have spent it with a more perfect man! I think my favorite part was that our families and friends are so amazing...there was absolutely no drama and everyone just hung out and partied! It was seriously the perfect day!

Brian surprised me and took me to the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls for our wedding night! I wanted to stay there so bad, but I thought it was too far away and I totally didn't expect it. We had a really laid back night that started with us sitting on the bed and eating grapes while I took a huge amount of bobby pins out of my hair (thanks Haley)! We had a yummy breakfast the next morning in our own little private room overlooking the falls. It was so romantic! We had a barbeque later that day, so after we checked out we went to my mom and dad's to help set up. All the out of town family and friends (I'm so glad Marcie and Sean were able to join us!) came over and we had leftover wedding food, cookies, and cake. I think it was sad for my mom and dad when I drove away that night with Brian, and I was a little sad too, but oh so excited for starting our life together.
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll hopefully get to update more often now that the wedding is over...but who knows! We're still trying to find places for all our new stuff, and trying to integrate into the new stuff all of our old stuff. It's been a long process, but a lot of fun. My favorite part of being married is being able to come home to him every day, wake up with him every morning, and fall asleep next to him every night. Here are some pics that I was able to get so far (the first 3 are from Melanie), and there are definitely more to come! Hopefully another update is coming soon! Love you guys!

This is one of my favorites. Our friend Monika took it on her iphone!
Our first day as newlyweds! This was taken at the Salish Lodge in our private dining area!