Friday, October 23, 2009

Well, as usual, it takes me forever to post! We've definitely been busy, and the end doesn't seem to be in sight! Here's a few things we've been up to!

Brian's cousins came to town from Chicago for a nice long weekend at the end of September. It was so great to see them! We were lucky enough to have Brent and Kevin at our wedding, but we hadn't seen Britt since her and Brent's wedding back in March, so it was definitely wonderful to catch up get to see the little Vetvick baby bump! We went to the Seahawks game (vs Da Bears) and had an amazing and eventful time, even though we lost! We enjoyed a nice Flajole/Vetvick family dinner at Anthony's in Seattle, and it was a very long, but enjoyable day. The whole weekend was long and enjoyable, and we can't wait to go visit them in Chicago next year!

Work for Brian has been good. With Terry and Nancy on vacation for a few weeks, he was always busy and now he's definitely ready for a vacation! It was a great little break when the cousins were here, but now it's back to the daily grind, but things have definitely slowed down for both of us. Times at Macy's are tough. With no one really spending any money, it's definitely been a challenge. The past couple weeks were stressful with events and big-wig visits, so this break before Christmas is somewhat welcome (I just wish it would pick up a little). With this calm comes sickness! We've both been battling the sniffles and some congestion, but I'm almost 100% better, and Brian's almost there! We get to go to the Sounders game with my mom and sister tomorrow, sitting in my mom's company's suite (amazing)! It's the last game of the season, so it'll be great to be there!

We've been married for a little over 4 months, and it's been the most amazing 4 months of my life! It seriously just keeps getting better. I kind of expected things to slow down a little after the wedding, but it's been the exact opposite! We're constantly doing something, and we both definitely look forward to Sundays where we can just relax, eat, and watch some football (well, I guess for me anyways, every other Sunday because of work)! Through all the chaos, though, we've created some amazing memories, and welcomed a new addition to our little family! Here are some pictures we captured throughout the past 4 months.

unpacking kitchen wedding presents...and being creative with the boxes! (PS the box robot has a thought bubble that says "I heart Chrissy" and has hearts for eyes!)

Outside the house on Whidbey Island this past summer. Gorgeous! The most relaxing few days!

Hubby and Wifey at the Mariners game with friends! We went several times this year: with the Sigvartsons, the Prices, and cousins!

Cousin Kevin with Hawk Daddy at da Bears game...Go Bears? Go HOME!

This is one of Calvin's favorite spots. Curled up on mom's fuzzy blanket on the couch!

Dad was getting his bag ready for golf the next day, and Calvin hopped in! He loves his daddy!

Our cute little boy!