Thursday, May 28, 2009

2 days!!

Considering it's after midnight...yes, there are only 2 days until Brian and I say "I DO"!!! I am soooo excited and I am in awe of how fast time has gone by!

It was a year ago (technically yesterday, the 27th) that Brian made me the happiest girl in the world by asking me to marry him on a gondola in Venice, Italy. That moment will stick with me forever! It doesn't seem possible that we've already been engaged for a year and are about to be married this Saturday! Craziness!

If you haven't checked out our wedding website:, I think you should! I absolutely love it and I'm so excited to have just found out that Brian finished his version of the proposal! The last few sentances just about brought me to tears! He's the most amazing man, and I'm so lucky to be his wife!

Well, it's all downhill from here! The bachelorette party is tomorrow (tonight) night, and I know I'll have some good pictures for you! The rehearsal is on Friday and then Saturday is the big day! We have (almost) everything done, and I'm definitely going into super productive mode tomorrow to make sure there's no stressing the day of. My motto is: if it's not done by Saturday, it's not that important! Stressing will only make me break out, and I definitely don't want that!

Well guys, the next time I do a little update...WE"LL BE MARRIED! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

20 days!

Well, in about an hour and a half it'll be 19 days...until our wedding day!! I'm so excited I can't even tell you! Too excited for words! Things are definitely coming down to the wire and falling into place. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people behind us and helping us. We definitely couldn't do anything without you guys.

Brian has been out of town since Thursday. His brother Kyle graduated from NAU on Saturday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the trip down there. I need to work since I'll be taking a week off for the wedding, and then another week at the end of June for our little mini vaca/honeymoon part 1. Besides, they didn't get home until after 9 tonight, and I couldn't leave my mom on the last mothers day with me still living in the house. It's kind of sad, but really exciting. I decided not to pack anything else up today, since every time I bring a box downstairs to take to the house, she yells at me..."STOP PACKING!" I know she's excited, but the fact that I'm actually packing up my room is just reaffirming the fact that the wedding is 3 weeks away, and I'm not going to be down the hall anymore. It's definitely weird waking up in the morning and not seeing my stuff up on the walls, and all my picture frames and stuff off my dresser and nightstand. But seeing all this just reminds me that soon I'll be able to wake up and see my husband laying next to me, and I just can't wait for that.

While it was sad to be away from Brian for a few days, it seemed to go by quickly because I've been very productive! I've been working, obviously, and yesterday my friend Haley and I did a trial run on my hair. Oh man, she's going to do an amazing job and my hair (even though we only had enough bobby pins to do a little more than half my hair) is going to look wonderful! I'm so excited and thankful for her! We've put the money envelopes together for the caterer and such, we got our marriage license (well, Brian and I did that Monday after work), figured out which DJ we were going to use (finally!), put together a list of photos we want taken, among other little things. All the while I'm sitting in bed sending emails and watching friends in my jammies, my wonderful mom is downstairs painting the kitchen and dad is working on the new fireplace so it's all ready for the barbeque that's going to be held the day after the wedding for opening presents and for everyone to get together in a more relaxed and casual setting. My parents are so wonderful!

I did have 2 more wonderful bridal showers a few weekends ago. One was thrown by my amazing Aunt Melissa with some family and family friends. It was the first shower where I received lingerie, and it was a little awkward sitting right next to my mother in law and having my grandma sitting in the corner going "oh my gosh"! Haha! The other shower was thrown by Brian's Aunt Cathy up in Seattle with all his mom's sisters and their daughters and aunts. It was a lot of fun! Once or twice a year all the Hanstad sisters get together for a "sister sleepover" where they bring their daughters (at least in high school) and drink wine and play games. I was able to go this year, and let me tell ya...those women know how to have a good time! It was the most fun! The next day we all got ready and Brian's cousin Marie took me out to get coffee while they set up. It was great to have everyone there to play a couple little games and it was especially great because my mom and sister drove up there so they could meet everyone as well! We're both so blessed to be marrying into two amazing families! Sometimes I have to step back and make sure I'm not dreaming, because it feels like it's all too good to be true.

Well, it's time to get started on another! Trying to get a list of all the must play songs, as well as pick out songs for all the dances! Hopefully it won't be a super long time before our next post...but you know how it goes when you're getting married! :) Love you guys!